Friday, January 29, 2010

my beST Friend...(BFF..??)

I got one bestfriend my workplace...and we come from same college but different sy dan dia sudah berkawan selama lebih kurang setaun lebih...going work together..come back home together....many thing we do together...sharing our heart....

dan dari dia lah saya berkenalan dengan bf saya yg sekarang friend got a bf..and 1 day semasa lunch my friend mengajak saya makan bersama  ..tapi dia berkata ..kawannya( time tu dia x mangaku tu bf dia) akan makan ckp ok ...sebab saya pernah juga ikut dorg makan sama...

then rupanya bf dia time tu juga membawa seorng kawan ...mula2 x mau ikut makan sama tapi dorg panggil sekali lagi then dia pun ikut ...sangat lucu bila saya terkenang kembali...mcmana sy boleh terjatuh hati saya xtau lah ...masa tu saya masih dengan bf lama saya (so damn) ..

then lepas tu besok2 ...then biasalah ada kabar dia mau minta my fon number...(i oredy think bout that) 
then ada plan kuar p makan lagi ..then pas tu jalan2 friend and her bf tinggalkan kami berdua di belakang ....

masa tu saya x pernah terfikir utk mau menerima dia ...bila kami sudah berkawan dia menyatakan hasrat utk mau jadi bf saya ..saya hanya gelak and say..let be friend...HE GOT NO JOB...NO MONEY ..NO CAR...AND NO HIGH dont mean to merendah2kan dia..tapi that's the reality ...jika saya x cakap pun lain tetap akan cakap....

but masa tu IM SO LONELY cuz my previous bf so damn far away ...and he start to ignore me (i know he got a new gf) 

...and so DAMN saya terjatuh hati with his SMILE ...
only SMILE?? i dun know but he got an aura...  and every single day i fall in luv with his personality ....

if only he got good job....what should i do...untill now....

i oredy got a plan to leave him dulu...but why untill now i still with him??

o so damn ...let forget bout dat...

then how bout my bestfriend?? then she oso still with his bf...her bf oso had no money ...


DO PEOPLE CALL US STUPID....oh i just dont care (* do i hipokrit)

then i know maybe someday she will break up with his bf and she say she will not married a MUSLIM ..cuz we are CHRISTIAN ..thanx God my bf is christian (*my previous is muslim too)

bukan menghina a religion but mcmna utk berkahwin jika family x akan setuju ...

my bestfriend got a very bad life... (i see that) ..her bf is somtimes so damn jahat ...many thing he do with her...thanx God my bf is not like that....

she awez crying a lot ...they break but they will come back to each many i dun know wat the ending ....

o wat do i care with other people sedangkan my life oso so damn teruk ....if my dad know my life like this ...and know he will be angry ....

gave money to a guy ..lend my car to him ....oh wat apoint ..cuz i really love him ...he is my lifenow...

saya bukan mau memburuk2 kan dia d dalam blog ni ....bukan juga utk memburukkan siapa2 ....

cuz saya sangat sayang realtionship kami ....dulu my bestfriend+bf and me+bf selalu jalan and makan sama2....
do  stupid thing together... we are friend....

dulu when my bestfriend break (sebelum balik lagi) with her bf ...she said she are free now...

and saya sgt susah hati ...saya hilang tempat mengadu kalo terjadi apa2 dengan saya dgn bf saya ..sebab hanya dia yg tau everything....i pray they will berbaik kembali ....

saya sangat sedih bila mereka berpisah rindukan saat2 kami gembira bersama....

** adakah saya sgt selfish.... i dun know....

but sometimes ...saya rasa lain dengan my bestfriend itu...kdg2 saya rasa mcm ada penghalang/tembok antara kami ....kdg2 saya cemburu dgn dia ...i dun know...but if she break with her bf now...saya rasa jarak kami semakin jauh ....she will get a better future then ..and i?? still the same??.....

better saya x fikirkan lagi pasal hal ni ....

**ermm watever korg faham ka x faham apa yg sy taip ni xtau lah...

but i still keep thinking is she my BFF if our lifestyle is change??

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